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Hazrat Shaikh Muntajibuddin Zar Zari Zar Bakhsh Dulha (R.A.)1276- 1309
Shaikh Muntajibuddin Zar Zari Zar Baksh Dulha was his distinguished title. He was well connected with two genealogical records. He was connected in the 11th generation with Imam Abu Hanifa and in the 21st generation his genealogical record was connected with Allah’s final apostle. He was pledged to Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya, his spiritual master and obtained the saintly dress from him. He was among the most pious personalities of his time.
His father's name is Sheikh Mohammed and his mother’s name is Bibi Hajira. His grave is situated in the tomb which is located in the compound in the western-northern side.
His brothers and sisters.
His father had four sons and five daughters and the details are as follows.
1. Sheikh Burhanuddin Gharib. He was older than Hazrat Syed Muntajibuddin. He was the caliph of Hazrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya. He was famous and well known pious personality of the Deccan and his status and position is very great and well known.
2. Hazrat Khwaja Shaikh Muntajibuddin. 3. Aziz Qatal. His grave is situated in Khuldabad Sharif.
4. Hazrat Abul Fatah. His grave is situated in Daultabad.
1. Bibi Khadija
2. Bibi Maraya
3. Bibi Amana
4. Bibi Hameeda
Except the grave of Hazrat Abul Fatah and Hazrat Aziz Qattal all graves of the above persons are situated in Khuldabad Sharif.
The lineage of Genealogy.
1. Khaja Muntajibuddin
2. Hazrat Mahmood
3. Nasir Hanseri
4. Sultan Muzafar
5. Sultan Ibrahim.
6. Sheikh Aba Baker
7. Sheikh Abdulla
8. Sheikh Abdur Rashid
9. Sheikh Abdus Samad
10.Abdus Salam
11.Imam Abu Hanifa
Mystical genealogical Record
1.Allah's final apostle
2.Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb R.A.
3.Hazrat Khwaja Hasan Basri.
4.Hazrat Abdul Wahed Bin Zaid
5.Hazrat Fazil Bin Ayaz
6.Sultan Ibrahim Bin Adham
7.Hazrat Huzefatal Almarashi
8.Hazrat Habital Basri
9.Hazrat Ali Danuri
10.Hazrat Abu Ishqaue Chisti
11.Hazrat Khaja Ahmed Abdal Chisti
12.Hazrat Abu Ahmed Chisti
13.Hazrat Abu Yousuf Chisti
14.Khwaja Maudud Chisti
15.Hazrat Khwaja Haji Sharif Zindani
16.Khwaja Usman Haruni
17.Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
18.Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Baqtiar Kaki
19.Hazrat Fariduddin Ganj Shaker
20.Hazrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Aulia
21.Hazrat Khwaja Muntajibuddin Zar Zari Baksh
He was born in the year 675 Hijri .He is younger than his brother Hazrat Burhanuddin Gharib. He was a saint by his birth. Since childhood, there had been indications of saintliness on his face. So since childhood, he used to keep himself busyin the remembrance of Allah and with the daily recitals. He used to offer following prayers regularly.
1. Five congregational prayers. 2. Israq prayer. (Supererogatory prayer in mid-morning)
3. Chast prayer. (Supererogatory prayer)
4. Awabin prayer. (Supererogatory prayer)
5. Tahjud prayers (supererogatory prayer in the early morning hours)
He strictly followed the Islamic law (Shariat) and he was a very great lover of Sunnat (practice) of Allah’s final apostle. He was in the habit of ignoring worldly matters and used to be busy in mystical exercises and endeavours despite seasonalhardships and without any interruption and gap. Upon becoming a disciple of Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya, owing to Sheikh’s kind attention and favour hepassed through many stages of Fakher (indigence) successfully and reached to a higher status of Velayat (saintliness).
Migration from Delhi to Daultabad
Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya has arranged and sent a group of 1,400 pious personalities towards Deccan for the guidance of mankind. Hazrat Zar Zari Zar Baksh was selected the leader of the caravan by Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya as he thought him fit for the job due to his best qualities. To obey his master’s order he left Delhi for always and came to Deccan along with a caravan of 1,400 holy pious personalities. During his journey he passed from many places of India and also moved from difficult places of mountains and reached to Daultabad which was the capital of the Kingdom of Delhi at that time and its population was very much. The historian Mohammed Qasim who wrote the famous history book ‘Tariq Farista’ mentioned that the number of his caravan members were 7,00 and among them many were perfect personalities of their time so for this reason due to their higher status and the position they were allowed to travel in the palanquins.
His stay in Daultabad
Upon his arrivalat Daultabad he engaged himself in extensive prayers, teaching of moral values, spiritual upliftment of people around him and the development of their personality . He taught truth and tolerance, peace and patienceequality and justice, self realization and self purification by setting practical examples. During his stay in Khuldabad, he has followed all directions and instruction from his great spiritual master and fulfilled his duties perfectly to the entire satisfaction of his master. A large number of people from neighbouring areas were greatly benefitted due to his favour of Zaheri (manifest) and Batni (innermost) and several others accepted his guidance towards the path of Allah. His daily routine of life and practices in the meeting place were as per dervish system. Till his entire life, he was disconnected with the worldly life and its people.
Shaikh Muntajibuddin Zar Zari Zar Baksh passed away on 7th Rabil Awwal in the year 709 Hijriat the age of 34 years in Khuldabad and his date of death is available from the following words.‘Shahinsha Auliya’
His mausoleum is situated in Khuldabad Sharif which is famous and for this reason the visitors in large numbersvisit the shrine and pray Allah for tlhe fulfilment of their desires The meaning of Khuldabad Sharif .
The meaning of Zar Zari Zar Baksh
When he was leaving Delhi along with 1400 groups of holy personalities as per his spiritual master's instruction but at that time he was worried how he would manage the expenses of such a large gathering of people. He went to his master and told him his difficulty.His spiritual master went into meditation and told him that at the time of Tahjud (supererogatory in the early hours of the morning) prayer all the expenses for the day will be arranged for him. As per reference from Mohammed Qasim who wrote his famous history book ‘Tariq Farishta’ that at the time of Tahjud (supererogatory prayer in the early hours of the morning) there would arrive a small box full of gold for the expenses of the Darvishes from an invisible source. So he used to collect the gold in the morning and for that money, he would run the expenses of Darvish persons. For this reason, he was well known and became famous with the title of ‘Zar Zari Zar Baksh’. Maulavi Ghulam Ali Sahib Azad Bilgalrami wrote in his book ‘Roudah Auliya Deccan’ that when his endeavours, mystical exercises reached to their height and he got status and position of Mahbibiat (loveliness) then from that time daily in the morning and evening time he will use to get two robes of honour of gold from invisible source and which he will use to sell and spend the amount on the expenses of his Dervish friends and from that amount he will not use any amount for his personal expenses. So, for this reason, he is called as Zar Zari Baksh.
meaning of Dulha Miyan (bride groom)
When he died at the young age without marriage so, for this reason, he is called as Dulha Miya (The bridegroom )
Urs means death anniversary. The annual urs of Hazrat Zar Zari Zar Baksh is observed in the third month of Hijri calendar viz. Rabbi ul Awwal. It is 15 days long procession. Main urs days are 4th and 8Nominated Urs Management Committee organise a number of cultural programmes such as a National Mushaera, Qirat ( Quran recitation) Competition, Seerat un Nabi Elocution Competition, Wrestling competition, Mahfil Samaa ( Qawwali programme) to mark the occasion. The Urs fair, organised on a huge ground goes on for almost a month. Lakhs of devotees from far and wide attend the Urs to pay their homage and reverence to the great saints.

Khuldabad, Dist.Aurangabad Maharashtra

In the area between the Daulatabad Fort and the Ellora Caves is found a most unique and spiritually significant area known as Khuldabad and the Valley of the Saints.Here among the 1400 Muslim dargahs (tombs) is found Zar Zari Zar-baksh,born Muntajib al-Din, one of the great Chisthi Sufi Perfect Masters who migrated from Arabia about seven hundred years ago. Khuldabad also known as the 'valley of saints' is a sacred town located on the Aurangabad-Ellora path at a distance of 5 km from the Ellora caves and 22 km from Aurangabad. Khuldabad Urs is the popular fair is held here annually for 5 days during the month of Rabi-Ul-Awal (i.e in May according to the lunar Muslim calendar). It is an important religious center due to its abode to two of the most revered Muhammaden saints namely, Burhan-ud-din and Zain-ud-din. During the festive days large number of Muslims gather here to pay honor to the consecrated saints. The tomb of of the Mughal Emperor, Aurangazeb is also located here.

Hazrat khawaja Shaikh Muntajbuddin Zar Zari Zar Baksh Dulha(RH).

Sultanul Mashaikh Hazrat Khwaja Shaikh Burhanuddin Aulia Garib(RH).

Hazrat khwaja Shaikh Burhanuddin Gareeb(1256- 1337) was one of the most prominent medieval sufisaints of Chishti order. He belongs to the family of Imam Abu Hanifa and is 21st in the initiatic genealogy of the chishtis. He was a renowned scholar of Quran, Hadith ( Prophetic traditions) and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). He was the most trusted and learned disciple of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya( Delhi) and was prominent amongst the greatestscholars, litterateursand thinkers in his circlewhich included Amir Khusro, Hasan Sijzi and Naseeruddin Chirag e Dehlwi. Saiad Muhammed of Karmania relates in the "Seyar ulAulia" that Burhanuddin was invested with the mantle and cap, the symbols of the Khilafat, in succession to the sultan ulmashaikh.After the demise of his younger brother Shaikh Muntajbuddin Zar Zari Zar Bakhshin Khuldabad, Hazrat Nizamuddin sent him to Daultabad along with 1400 companions to preach peace, truth, tolerance, righteousness and universal brotherhood. He guided the people to right path for 17/18 years. Books entitled ‘Nafais Al Anfas’ and Ahsan Al Aqwal are recorded collection of his teachings. He passed away in 1337A.D.. His Urs ( death anniversary) is observed from 8th to 12th Safar( the second month of Hijri calendar) every year. On the occasion of Eid e Milad, the 12th Rabbi ul Awwal, Pairhan Sharif (Holy attire of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U. H ) and Mu e Mubarak( beard hair of Prophet MuhammadP.B.UH.) kept preserved in the Dargahs for centuries are displayed publicly. Lakhs of devotees throng to have a glance over these.

Pairhane-e-Mubarak Mohammed Mustafa Sallellahualaihi Wa Sallam(ﷺ).

Ziyate Pairhane-e-Mubarak Mohammed Mustafa Sallellahualaihi Wa Sallam(ﷺ). will be shown on 09th October 2022 6:00 AM TO 10:00 PM at Dargah Hazrat Zainuddin Shirazi (Reh).

Muhe Mubarak Mohammed Mustafa Sallellahualaihi Wa Sallam(ﷺ).

Ziyate Muhe Mubarak Mustafa Sallellahualaihi Wa Sallam(ﷺ). will be shown on 09th October 2022 6:00 AM TO 10:00 PM at Dargah Hazrat Buranuddin (Reh).

Mushaira at khuldabad dargah

All India Mushaira 08 October 2022 10:00 PM At Dargah Burhanuddin (RH).

Mushaira at khuldabad dargah

More Mushaira And Qawwali Videos

Tomb of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb (Rh).

In Khuldabad rests the last Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb who enjoyed the longest period of 50 years on the throne. He died in Ahmednagar on 23rd March, 1707 & acording to his last wish was buried near the Roza of his Guru Sayyad Zainoddin Shirazi (Rahe) His grave had to be simple as per his wish but Lord Curzon, the contemporary Vice Roy of British India Ordered it to be decorate in marble.

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Hazrat Shah Jalaluddin Ganj-e-Rawa Soharwardi Rahematullah Alaeh

Hazrat Khawaja Shaikh Muntajbuddin Zar Zari Zar Baksh Dulha(RH).

Sultanul Mashaikh Hazrat Khwaja Shaikh Burhanuddin Aulia Garib(RH).

Taaruf-e-Tasaneef-e-Hazrat Hammaduddin Kashani Rahematullah Alaeh

Hazrat Shaikh Ruknuddin Kashani Rahematullah Alaeh

Taaruf-e-Tasaneef-e-Hazrat Majduddin Kashani Aur Hazrat Hameed Qalandar Rahemahumullah Alaeh

Hazrat Sayyed Zainuddin Shirazi 22 Khwaja Rahematullah Alaeh

Hazrat Shah Raju Quattal Husaini Rahematullah Alaeh

Hazrat Ameer Hasan Aala-e-Sanjari Rahematullah Alaeh

Hazrat Bahauddin Ansari Shattari Rahematullah Alaeh

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Islamic Thoughts.

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